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Back in 1961, Karri, a beautiful naïve 19-year-old aspiring singer briefly meets her real life dream cowboy, 29-year-old hunk Roy, a "famous" Hollywood actor. Her head full of movies, her heart primed by celluloid lovers, she falls in love with him and follows him to New York only to find that he doesn't live in a mansion on Long Island as somehow she thought but in a tiny basement flat in Queens. Undeterred, she quickly builds a career modeling. Roy does turn out to be incredibly intelligent though, kind and gentle, particularly while relieving her of her virginity problem. Then to her dismay, Roy, unable to land his big stage role, starts talking about becoming a writer! As Roy struggles, Karri is "discovered" by Mark, a wealthy impresario who casts her to sing and dance in a musical revue in Washington, D.C., then hints of starring her in the upcoming Hollywood show. After the musical revue closes, Mark talks her into a week long "platonic" vacation with him while they "cement the Hollywood deal". Without telling Roy, pressured to choose between her career "chance of a lifetime" or Roy, she writes Roy a Dear John letter. Yet even within her tearful letter, part of her hopes Roy will read between the lines and rescue her.

Will he? Will she opt for Roy and true love or possible fame and mansions? 73% KARRI is a sometime comic look at this perpetual human choice but primarily a bittersweet love story.